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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Ed Royce
U.S. Representative R-CA, Chairman, Foreign Affairs
CNNW 08/09/2013
Royce: On the senate side, i know our colleagues did an exhaustive audit. And found that over the last four years, they could not find any examples. I think we had 300 queries last year for example looking into this and what they were specifically monitoring were on phone calls from overseas from al Qaeda to al Qaeda agents
Ed Royce
U.S. Representative R-CA, Chairman, Foreign Affairs
CNNW 08/09/2013
Royce continued: in the western hemisphere and in the united states. So i think that a better explanation of the president two months ago would have helped the situation. I think he's waited too long to address it, and at this point i think it's wise for us to reassure the American public. Certainly Congress should be involved in this. We should set up additional protections. But most of this work is done overseas anyway. And most of it is done to protect our assets overseas, certainly our troops in Afghanistan, to protect our embassies, to protect our allies in Europe
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